Borolotti Bean salad with tuna, onion & mint – MLLA #49 (en)

Lately I find myself, a lot alone at home.
I specially love it when I come back from the trekking with tourists.
I so appreciate the silence that welcomes me when I open the door.
Usually there are some cats sleeping in the entrance, I avoid them smiling.

Sleeping cats -Molly with Vincent Vega, Lucy & Attilia

These 3 are Molly’s little ones, Vincent Vega, Attilia and Pepe (even if she a girl)
We haven’t found anyone that wants them so, they will stay with us…
Enlarging our cat family from 6 to 9 cats.
Fortunately they usually stay outside.

When I’m particularly lucky, nobody shows up for dinner!
So I set the table for me alone, in front of the dying sun over our beautiful lake.

Tabelscape with Common Snapdragon & Dipladenia

When I sit there looking out over the shining water, I let my thoughts run free.
Day dreaming, thinking, planning.
This regenerate and relaxes me, makes me feel happy.

Tabelscape with Common Snapdragon & Dipladenia

This evening I used Dipladenia and Common Snapdragon flowers, together with long weed leaves, trying to catch the same color as the tablecloth. (A lovely gift from my dear friend Aldissima)
The jug is from Ikea.

Tabelscape with Common Snapdragon & Dipladenia

Tabelscape with Common Snapdragon & Dipladenia

Tabelscape with Common Snapdragon & Dipladenia

This a very simple recipe, if you can call it a recipe. 🙂

Borlotti bean salad with tuna, onion & mint

Borlotti bean salad with tuna and onion - Insalata di fagiolo, tonno e cipolla

You need:
Dried borlotti beans
Red onion
180gr of canned tuna
fresh herbs (sage, rosemary, bay leave)
extra virgin olive oil
Fresh mint leaves

Borlotti bean salad with tuna and onion - Insalata di fagiolo, tonno e cipolla

Cover the borlotti beans with water and leave over the night.
The next day drain the beans and put them in a pot and cover with water,add a bay leave, some sage and a sprig of rosemary.
Cook the beans until soft but firm.
Drain the beans and let cool.

Cut the onion in thin slices.
Mix the beans, with the onion, tuna and the fresh min leaves.
Season with pepper and olive oil.
Serve and enjoy 🙂

Borlotti bean salad with tuna and onion - Insalata di fagiolo, tonno e cipolla

This goes to my dear friend Simona from Briciole
Hosting this months MLLA, an event created by
Susan ofThe Well-Seasoned Cook



3 thoughts on “Borolotti Bean salad with tuna, onion & mint – MLLA #49 (en)

  1. aldarita

    come faccio a commentare che non capisco una mazza??? però le foto sono sempre belle!!!

  2. Lo

    Briiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ma quei gattini sono spettacolari …tutte le foto splendide ma quei gattini che meravigia 🙂 un bacione
    p.s. aspetto la traduzione sono pigra 😉

  3. Simona

    Ho fatto vedere a mio marito (cat lover per eccellenza) la foto dei tuoi gattini. Rico (il nostro gatto nero che ora e’ qui vicino a me) manda un saluto speciale a Pepe. Carinissima la tavola preparata con la tovaglia che ti ha regalato Alda. E tonno e fagioli e’ una di quelle ricette sempre piacevoli da gustare alla sera. Se poi c’e’ un panorama come quello che hai tu, il gusto e’ anche migliore. Grazie per il contributo a My Legume Love Affair.


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