Category Archives: tablescape thursday

TT #224 – Christmas Candle decorations (en)

This is a busy time, so many things to prepare, so many things to do.
I do not have much Christmas feeling since my beloved mother-in-law left us three years ago, but I grit my teeth, straighten my shoulders, put up a nice smile and go on.

One of the many things she thought me was to compose Christmas Candle Decoration.
While composing, preparing, decorating it almost feels that she is there with me, giving advice, admiring, talking, laughing.
Oh, we didn’t always get along, had some bitter moments with long faces and angry eyes. But as always when you care for somebody, the bitter moments pass and the sun turns shining 🙂

So, I put what I need in front of me and start creating.


Making Christmas Candle Decortaions

Making Christmas Candle Decortaions


I use things I collect during the year.
Like candles from IKEA, Flover, Hervit
Plates from IKEA, Hervit, Flover, Conforama
Ribbons from IKEA, Ambroso, Hervit, Conforama
Christmas spheres from IKEA, Flover, Conforama, Obi, Ambroso
Neckless from Hervit, Conforama, Ambroso

I buy mostly during sales, and cut branches from different types of pine. Like Mugho Pine, Pinus Sylvestris,cupressus sempervirens, Pinus Nigra, Thuja, similar Cupressus macrocarpa.
Black berries from Ligustrum (they are poisonous)
Red or orange berries from Pyracantha (beautiful but dry very quickly)
Red berries from Cotoneaster
Red berries from Viburnum lantana

This is some of the candles that I have made.

candle for Manfred

bordeaux decoration

bordeaux decoration

red decoration

red decoration

Gina's Christmas decoration

Decoration in red

Decoration in red

Decoration in orange

Making Christmas Candle Decortaions

Making Christmas Candle Decortaions

Making Christmas Candle Decortaions

Making Christmas Candle Decortaions

Green Christmas Candle Decoration

Green Christmas Candle Decoration

This goes to dear Susan and her Tablescape Thursday #224