Fudge – WHB #314 (en)

4th Advent.

4th advent

So, next Sunday it is Christmas?
Are you ready?
I’m not, but then I’m not that good at making programs or lists of any kind.
I start allright, but then I see something else,
I think of something else and my list or program is soon forgotten.
Well, it isn’t so important is it? The most important thing is to be together, and this year I will have nearly all the family around me.
One important presence is missing, but Iris will be with us anyway, in our hearts and in our thoughts.
Also my Father-in-law is not ready yet to celebrate Christmas with the family.
It makes my very sad, but I understand that for him it hurts more then for any of us.

The rest of us has started a new tradition 6 years ago.
We do a long walk on Christmas day.
That is lovely!
You are absolutely on your own.
There is nobody around, but you can hear the clinging glasses and the voices murmur, delicious perfumes coming out from windows and doors.
I just adore it.

This year I have two (easy) proposals…
we will see what the rest of the family decides.


Località Le Cà

These chocolates are an old recipe I was given by Anna Rita from the blogLa cucina di Marble..
Once you try them you cannot do without.



You need:
450 gr dark chocolate
400 gr condensed milk (sugared)
50 gr butter

Melt the chocolate with the butter, whisk well.
take the chocolate/butter away from the stove and add the condensed milk.
Whisk very well and the pour in a silicon mold or in an other mold covered with cling film or baking paper.


You can add some chili, cinnamon, ground ginger or candied ginger.
They all taste terrific!


I used the ice molds from Ikea.
I should have a special chocolate mold in hard plastic but I can’t
remember where I putted it.
The little hearts are with cinnamon and ground ginger
The little round ones are with candied ginger.


This is the last WHB before Christmas and also the last one this year.
I wish you all a Joyful Christmas and a Happy New Year.

I Wish to thank Kalyn from Kalyn’s Kitchen and                                                                                          Haalo,  Cook (almost) anything at least once  who also hosts this last edition before Christmas.                                                                                                                                  Without Haalo I wouldn’t even be here doing  the Italian version of WHB!

5 thoughts on “Fudge – WHB #314 (en)

  1. elena

    Tanti tanti auguri a te e alla tua famiglia, conosco la nostalgia che si prova il giorno di Natale quando manca una persona speciale, soprattutto i primi anni è tremendo, poi non dico che ci si abitua, ma ci si adatta…
    MI dispiace non aver partecipato questa settimana .. proprio non ce l’ho fatta…sarà per la prossima… promesso!!!!
    Un bacione e ancora tanti auguri di Buon Natale!!! ele

    1. brii Post author

      Grazie Elena, ieri cercavo la parola per esprimere quello che sentivo e non mi veniva.
      Ci si adatta, proprio così. :/
      Tanti tantissimi auguri anche a te cara, e grazie di tutto.
      A presto

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